"Challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew."

~ Cicely Tyson

If you are in search of a Leadership coach and mentor with first-hand experience of what it takes to be a confident and great leader without compromising your wellbeing– then you are in the right place.

Are you struggling to get the best out of your team?

I work with leaders and their teams, who lack self-confidence, to help them re-build their self-esteem. They work with me because I provide them with bespoke 1:1 coaching to address any limiting beliefs so that they ultimately become a great leader, who is full of confidence.

The benefits are an increase in your:

  • Confidence to manage the role effectively
  • Confidence to articulate and communicate your vision
  • Confidence to accomplish personal/school goals
  • Confidence to manage difficult conversations

Are you finding it challenging to have the job you want/love, and enjoy the life that you dream of/want?

I work with pressure-challenged leaders who are struggling to manage their job and still have time for family, friends or loved ones. They work with me because I help them to find the right balance between work and home life – so that they ultimately have the work life balance that they desire.

The benefits are being able to have:

  • Quality time with family, friends and loved ones
  • Quality and balanced life style
  • Quality physical and mental health
  • Quality work life balance

Are you stuck in a rut with an unsatisfying job?

I help leaders who no longer feel motivated, inspired or that they are realising their full potential. They work with me because I help them by providing 1:1 coaching so they can get absolute clarity on what they want to achieve and define their career goals of where they want to be in the next 12 months – so that they ultimately get to enjoy their job again.

The benefits are being able to: 

  • Have clarity on what you really want to achieve
  • Have explored a range of possible options
  • Have confidently made the career decisions you need to make
  • Have overcome obstacles and challenges that might stand in your way
  • Have a job that you enjoy

Are you feeling lonely as a leader?

I help leaders who feel that they have no one to talk to ‘outside’ work about their worries, challenges and frustrations. They work with me because I provide them with 1:1 coaching in a confidential and non-judgemental environment, where I totally devote and commit my time to their agenda. This gives them an opportunity to talk about things and express their emotions, without the fear of being judged or made to feel vulnerable or weak.

The benefits are that you:

  • Will be listened to
  • Will not be judged
  • Will feel valued
  • Will no longer feel ‘lonely’ as a leader
  • Will have ‘your’ space and ‘your’ time

If any of this resonates with you – then you are in the right place. Get in touch with me for a complimentary Leadership Breakthrough consultation.

In 45 – 60 minutes we’ll clearly identify your Breakthrough Possibility.

Here is how it works:

  1. You will gain clarity about what the next level of success looks like for you;
  2. You will discover the biggest obstacle or blind-spot holding you back;
  3. You will get clear on your most important goals that will help you to make the biggest difference and thrive at work and home;
  4. You will leave the session feeling inspired about the powerful possibilities that open up for you as a leader and your business

Sign-up here for the FREE Leadership Breakthrough Session